Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement for the Scholes Village Hall CIO, Scholes, LS15 4DL

(Scholes Village Hall CIO)

In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) that comes into force in May 2018 We present our Privacy Statement

Terms used in this statement:

‘We’, ‘Our’, ‘Us’ – The Trustees that manage Scholes Village Hall CIO

Personal Data: means information that can be associated with an identified or identifiable person.

“Personal Data” can include name, postal address (including billing and shipping addresses), telephone number, email address. Personal Data does not include information that does not identify a specific user.

Process: describes any method or way that we handle Personal Data or sets of Personal Data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organisation, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, and consultation, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction of Personal Data.

User / Visitor: means you or anyone else who has established a relationship with Us, for example, by making a booking with us. Your privacy is extremely important to us.

We have a few fundamental principles:

  • We don’t ask you for personal information unless we truly need it.
  • We don’t share your personal information with anyone except to comply with the law, develop our products, or protect our rights.
  • We don’t store personal information on our servers unless required for the on-going operation of one of our services.

Below is our Privacy Policy which incorporates these goals. This privacy policy covers all aspects of our data storage. If you have questions about accessing or correcting your personal data please contact Helen Shaw (Data Controller)

Gathering of Personal data

  • We do not disclose personal data other than as described below.

Protection of Certain Personal data

  • We do not disclose any personal data.
  • We will not rent nor sell personal data to anyone. We disclose personal data only when required to do so by law, or when We believe, in good faith, that disclosure is reasonably necessary to protect Our property or rights, third parties, or the public at large.
  • We take all measures reasonably necessary to protect against the unauthorised access, use, alteration or destruction of personal data.
  • We also may be required to disclose an individual’s personal information in response to a lawful request by public authorities, including to meet national security or law enforcement requirements.
  • We acknowledge that all individuals have the right to access the personal information/data that we maintain about them. An individual who seeks access, or who seeks to correct, amend, or delete inaccurate data, should direct their query to the Data Controller. If requested to remove data, we will respond within a reasonable timeframe, not to exceed one month.


From time to time we may place adverts for third party organisations that support us financially, clicking through to their sites will transfer the onus of data protection for any data entered onto their site to them.

Privacy Policy Changes

Although most changes are likely to be minor, We may change this Privacy Policy from time to time, and at Our sole discretion.

Data held

Information held by Us –

1. Title

2. First name

3. Last name

4. Email address

5. Phone number

This counts as “Personal data”.

There is no “Sensitive personal data” requested or held by Us.

Your rights

Under the GDPR you have rights over the storage of your data. These are detailed and answered below, in the context of this sites function.

• The right to be informed

This privacy statement is the transport to inform you that your information is held on our system. This data is protected and held securely.

Please contact us if you wish to invoke any of the following rights. We reserve the right to confirm your identify before releasing any information.

The right of access

You have the right to inspect your personal data that We hold.

The right to rectification

You have the right to

The right to erasure

You have the right to request total erasure of your personal information from Us.

The right to restrict processing

You have the right to restrict the processing of your personal data.

The right to object

You have the right to object to how your personal data is held.

For reference you may wish to visit the ICO website that gives guidance to the GDPR.

HS 1/4/2023 – for Scholes Village Hall CIO